Tooth and Claw – Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

No Nonsense  

‘This is quite the list,’ Ben said as they stared down at the completed list. It was not quite as clear cut as they had hoped. It turned out that there were plenty of people, both shifter and human, who had barged in and out of the boys’ family home for various reasons. There were several people with rough descriptions, but no names. Seeing all these people, Ben had to fight down another wave of pity for the brothers. This was no way to live, afraid and hiding from people who would do gods knew what to them. 

‘Is it helpful?’ Eli asked doubtfully.

Ben gave him a warm smile. ‘It’s a very solid start, trust me. In the meantime, you both need to be more careful. You can’t travel anywhere alone.’

Kalevi sighed, but to Ben’s immense pride, the cat didn’t fly into his usual rage. Instead, he said calmly (though with clear exasperation) ‘Ben, that’s not going to be possible. I have to get to work. We don’t have a car and Eli has to get to school every day.’ 

‘I can meet up with Miles and walk with him to school. He doesn’t live that far from here,’ Eli offered. 

‘And I can meet up with Eli after school if Miles isn’t available,’ said Kate.

Kalevi crossed his arms and glared at his two “keepers”. ‘So, what about you two? Going to doggy guard me?’

‘We can take turns,’ Ben said cheerfully.

‘Great,’ Kal muttered.

‘It’s only temporary, dear. Once we get this cleared up, we can relax some of these precautions.’

‘How exactly are you going to get it cleared up?’ 

‘We need to get this list submitted to the council. They’ll want to look it over and likely cross check some of the names with the human police. They’ll likely have some follow up questions.’

Kalevi’s mouth turned downwards in a grimace. ‘I don’t want these people any more involved in our lives than they absolutely have to be.’

‘We know,’ Ben said gently. Kal nodded but didn’t offer any more complaint. 

‘There is a chance that…’ Ben broke off to shoot a nervous look at Vano. 

‘What?’ Kal asked, his eyes narrowing.

‘They may want to interview your father.’

Both Kal and Eli stiffened. ‘You shouldn’t have to be involved,’ Ben added quickly.

‘We won’t be involved,’ Kalevi said firmly. ‘I don’t care if that bastard bleeds to death from a thousand fucking cuts. I’d sooner piss on him than help him, you hear me? And Eli is not going anywhere near him either.’ 

Ben raised his hands. ‘I hear you. We all hear you; I promise.’ Pacified but still nettled, Kalevi didn’t say any more on the subject as they put away the now dry dishes and lowered all the blinds. It was getting late and the heavy conversation was wearing on them all. Twice, Ben had caught Eli stifling long yawns. Ben, Vano and Kate didn’t break the silence as they collected coats and belongings, but each were thinking the same thing. The boys’ father was likely going to be the only person with tangible information.

Kalevi and Eli wanted nothing to do with their father and quite fairly so, but… that decision might be taken from them. Kate had already privately messaged Vano and Ben to meet up and compare notes. They would have to make a strong case and hope that the council could see that the potential damage the old shifter would cause would far outweigh any usefulness. Kate was hopeful. Ben… wasn’t. He’d been in the system, lived through his own hell before Vano found him. He knew how self-serving the council could be.

‘Thank you for having us,’ Vano rumbled. Kalevi rolled his eyes, but they now knew the cat too well to not see the affection in his pale features.

‘Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and leave so we can crash,’ Kal said.

‘Night,’ Eli called, covering his mouth to stifle another yawn. He waved to Kate and shuffled off toward his bedroom. Kate smiled, winked at Kal, and left with a single meaningful glance at the remaining shifters.

‘Kal, call us if anything happens. If you need anything-’

‘I know,’ Kal said impatiently.

Ben huffed and snatched Kal’s chin, holding him steady. ‘I mean it, brat. Any hour. We’ll be here.’ He yanked the little cat forward into a firm kiss. Kal grunted as he collided with the man but any indignation he might have felt quickly faded as he was kissed breathless. Ben drew back with a slight grin on his face. Vano reached over his shoulder and gently stroked back Kal’s rumpled hair.

‘We’ll see you soon,’ said the stag and both men left Kal standing in his own doorway with a red face and slightly stunned expression.

‘Yeah… those two are definitely good for you,’ said Eli in a sing-song voice.

 Kal whipped around. ‘I thought you went to bed!’

Eli grinned cheekily from where his head poked around the corner. ‘I am… just wanted to make sure you didn’t try and sneak them back to your bedroom.’

‘Oh my god, when did my life becoming a fucking circus?’ Kal groaned. His brother laughed.

Kal shoved the box back onto the shelf, his joints protesting. He’d been trying to concentrate on putting the stock away and nothing else. He didn’t want to think about the fact that he’d received another three rejection emails, all copy and paste responses.

We regret to inform you… strong list of candidates… please consider reapplying in the future… blah, blah, blah.

Ben and Vano had already prepared him for this. They had explained how sometimes it could take many applications before the right one came along. The problem was, Kal didn’t have months to waste. They were on a tight timeline. He’d gotten a few extra shifts at the grocer, and Eli had started pitching in for groceries. (That had been hard enough to accept as it was, but Eli had argued vehemently that a seventeen-year-old could buy the damn milk once in a while.)

Eli also paid for his own phone and internet. Again, Kal had grumbled, but this, too, he was told, was a perfectly acceptable thing for the teen to pay for. Whilst this was helpful, Kalevi hadn’t voiced his concern that this still wouldn’t make a huge a dent on their living arrangements. The mortgage on the shitty apartment was still due and the electricity and water still cost a small fortune. The electricity in particular was only going to get worse the colder it got. Still.

One step at a time. That had been something Ben and Vano had been trying to teach him. Kal sighed and stretched, feeling his limbs aching a little.

‘Hey Kal, you want to take these home? Martha doesn’t want them and if no one takes them, I’m throwing them away.’ Kal looked up. The night manager, Justine, was walking towards him with a bag. He took it and peered inside. It was mainly frozen goods, a couple of pizzas and a quiche.

‘You sure?’ Kalevi asked suspiciously.

Justine snorted. ‘Yeah, they’re about to expire and I hate wasting food. Just take ‘em. It’s not the first time we’ve done it.’ Kal grinned down at his new bag of groceries. Hell yeah.

Maybe things were starting to look up after all.

He knocked off work half an hour later and caught the last bus home. His mood brightened further when he saw a familiar car in the lot. He climbed the stairs to their apartment and grinned at the sight of Ben and Vano. Eli’s expression was grim and the older shifters were standing silently beside him. They were all three looking down at a letter in Eli’s hands. The grin fell from Kal’s face faster than a stone at terminal velocity.

‘What’s happened?’ Kalevi barked.

Ben stepped forward, but it was Eli that spoke first. ‘They want one of us there when they interview dad.’

‘They what?!’ Kal roared. No one was surprised. No amount of soothing words or soft hands was going to prevent this tirade. He marched over, barely remembering to slam the front door closed behind him. He snatched the letter from Eli’s hands. He stared down at the watermarked document.

Interview Attendance Notice

A residence of the Nikola household is hereby summoned to appear in person for the cross examination of Mr. Dion Nikola at the below location and time.

Tuesday: October 10th, 2.30pm

Location: Darlinghurst Mental Health Institute

The court understands that the matter is one of deepest sensitivity. Given there is a record of alleged abuse for both offspring of the criminal, the court will prioritise your preference where safe and practical to do so as to which offspring will attend.

A failure to comply with the above may result in a requirement to attend a court hearing to decide the best placement for those remaining in the Nikola household.

Thank you for your time and your continued support of an open and fair criminal justice system.


Dale James Lester

High Council of Shifters C.W

 ‘They can’t do this!’ Kal shouted, waving the letter with so much violence, it was amazing it hadn’t torn. 

‘It sounds like if one of us doesn’t go, they’ll look into splitting us up,’ Eli said in a flat voice.

‘What the fuck do they mean alleged abuse!? There was nothing alleged about it!’ Kal shrieked.

‘He was arrested for his murder of that guy in the pub, not for anything he did to us,’ Eli said quietly.

Kalevi turned burning eyes on Ben and Vano. ‘This is what we get for trusting them! I told you! Shifter society is garbage. You said you would fight for us!’

‘We did,’ The sharpness and anger in Ben’s voice cut the younger man off temporarily. ‘Originally, they had wanted to interview you both, one at a time and then with your father. We argued that this was out of the question.’

‘This is hardly any better!’ Kalevi barked, waving the letter again.

‘This isn’t what we wanted either, Kalevi! We would never want this for either of you!’ The anger and hurt in Ben’s face was real enough to give Kal pause. Kalevi was left, rageful and … scared. He didn’t know what to do. This felt surreal. All these years, all this time. Half the reason he had been able to get up in the morning had been because he knew he would never have to lay eyes on that bastard again. Now he didn’t have a choice. His legs were shaking. He would have to do this…

‘Darlinghurst Mental Health Institute?’ Eli said, reading from the page again.

‘It’s the easiest way to dose a man up to his eyeballs and not have it questioned. He wouldn’t have been imprisoned there, only transported there for the interview,’ Ben explained grimly.

‘You seem to know a lot about it,’ Kal said suspiciously.

‘More than he cares to,’ Vano answered quietly.

‘I’ll go,’ Eli said.

‘The FUCK you will!’ Kal began, but his brother didn’t even let him get started.

‘No, Kal. I let you protect me my entire life. I stood there like a fucking coward and let you take the hits every single time. I’m not letting you go. I’m the jaguar. I should have protected you. Now I can. You’re not going.’

‘Say something!’ Kalevi spluttered, looking helplessly between Ben and Vano.

‘This is a choice only the two of you can make,’ Vano rumbled. 

‘I need to call my school and let them know I won’t be able to attend that day. I’ll call Kate too. Excuse me.’ And just like that, Eli plucked the rumpled letter from Kal’s grasp and walked down the hallway to his room. He shut the door with a sharp click.

‘This isn’t happening,’ Kalevi rasped, eyes burning with something that might have been tears. Ridiculous. He hadn’t cried in years.

‘I’m sorry, Kalevi. We tried.’

‘Save it.’ Kalevi wanted to tell them both to leave but what would that achieve? He’d be chasing away the only two people other than Eli who had shown him any love. Then he would be alone again. No.

Kal felt wild, like he would rupture out of his skin. He needed something to make him feel real, to feel something other than panic and pain and fear and so much fucking anger.

Ben and Vano were actually shocked when Kalevi threw himself at them. Ben caught him. He opened his mouth, about to offer any reassurance he could when Kalevi kissed him. Or rather, he smashed their mouths together. With a slight hiss, Ben pulled back.

‘Kal, what are you doing?’ Ben spluttered. Vano hovered, not entirely sure what to do.

‘What does it look like? You said you both wanted me right?’

‘Yes, but I’m not sure now is the time-’

‘Why not now?! I want it. You want it. What’s the problem?’ Oh, this wasn’t good. Ben tried to ease Kal back but sharp claws sunk into his arms.

‘It’s just a job, isn’t it? So do your fucking job! Make me better! Make me stop thinking!’

Ben made a small, choking sound. ‘Kal, avoiding the pain isn’t going to make it go away. You’re using sex as a coping mechanism. This has to be dealt with.’

‘You think I don’t know that?! Why does it have to be right now? I don’t want to think for a bit! Is that so fucking bad?’ Kalevi shouted. ‘You said I was yours. So why can’t you do this for me?’

The broken drop in Kal’s voice made Ben flinch, as though he’d been slapped. Vano moved first. He practically picked Kal up as he went to sit on the couch, the cat in his lap. He could feel the younger man shaking. Vano could understand. Once again, Kalevi felt like his world was falling apart. He held Kal tight, providing for him the structure he couldn’t provide himself in that moment.

‘Alright,’ Ben said finally. Vano heard the little cat’s breath catch.

‘If this is something you really need right now…’

‘Yes,’ Kal said quickly.

‘Alright,’ Ben said again. They would both need to move carefully. This was anything but ideal and could turn horrible very easily. Carefully, slowly, like a man approaching a trapped animal, he tipped Kal’s face up so they could see him better. His face was pained and his eyes were a little red. It was a pitiful sight. It made Ben’s heart ache fiercely. Vano hugged Kalevi tight and the man’s warmth and slow heartbeat finally seemed to penetrate the haze in Kal’s mind. The nettling fear that had skittered along his nerves like needle-thin insects was being chased away. Kal faced Vano and when their lips met, the kiss wasn’t harsh. It was warm, solid, real. Kal melted. He did, however, quickly want more.

Annoyingly, as brash and as hungry as Kalevi wanted to be, Vano wouldn’t allow it. If Kal lunged forward, Vano would pull back. The cat snarled his frustration, his canines flexing. Vano smiled. The effect was devastating, enhancing the rugged woodsman appearance. Those lips quirked up in one corner. A massive hand grabbed his shirt and yanked him forward. Kal practically crashed against him. He buried his nose against the man’s neck. Vano was so warm to the touch, his scent rich and comforting. It filled Kal’s head. 

Ben hummed. He didn’t think he’d ever seen something as devastatingly arousing as watching the man he loved make out with the young shifter they had both started to fall for. Ben wanted to bite the man on the back of his neck, bite and hold him until Kalevi smelt only of them. Maybe it partly came from the need to protect Kal, but Ben wanted everyone to see that Kal was theirs. The animal side of his soul rarely pushed forward so strongly but Ben wanted Kalevi just as much as he wanted Vano. He growled low, the sound completely cat. 

The sound of it had Kalevi looking over his shoulder. Vano shifted, easily lifting Kalevi off his lap and laying him across the couch. It creaked slightly under their combined weight. Kal might have been slightly more worried about Eli, but he knew his baby brother almost always wore his noise cancelling headphones in his rooms. Especially if Kal had guests. Eli was a smart kid. Kalevi practically ripped at his own clothes, suddenly desperate to be free of them. Vano caught his hands, pressing a kiss to each palm which did stupid warm things to Kal’s belly.

‘Slow down, Kal. We’ll take care of you,’ Ben murmured, nuzzling the cat’s cheek.

‘I don’t need you to take care of me. I need you to fu-‘ They didn’t let him finish the sentence. Fingers curled into his hair and yanked his head up. Vano kissed him with just a slight hint of teeth as Ben started rummaging around in jacket pockets. When he pulled out the tube of lube, Kal let out a bark of laughter, still pinned in place by Vano’s grip.

‘What, you just carry that around with you? And you think I’m the crazy one,’ Kal sneered.

‘Believe what you want but you seem to forget that I have more than just yourself to satisfy,’ Ben purred, his eyes flicking to Vano.

Kalevi brain short circuited for a few seconds. He looked between the two. ‘So which one of you is the top…?’ He yelped as he was flipped. Suddenly he was ass up and there were hands removing his jeans.

‘You’ll just have to find out,’ Ben said with a predator’s smile. Vano wasn’t exactly helpful. He kept Kal nice and distracted by sucking marks onto his neck as Ben slicked up his fingers. Kal hissed as said fingers found his tight hole. Shit, it had been a while. He tried to relax his muscles, knowing that life would go a lot smoother with lube.

Heh. That should be on a shirt somewhere-

Kal yelped as two fingers rather abruptly eased their way into his clenched hole. ‘I hope we’re not boring you,’ Ben cooed. That son of a bitch.

‘Just a little,’ Kalevi said stupidly. Vano bit his ear, making him yelp as Ben fucked his finger gently in and out, the sounds wet with more lube. It didn’t take long before Kalevi wanted something more.

‘I need you to be still. I don’t want to hurt you,’ Ben said, one hand slowly rubbing over Kal’s lower back. 

‘Don’t. Care. Get on with it!’ Kal snarled.

Ben shook his head and Vano hummed. ‘Maybe you should distract him,’ Ben purred. 

Kalevi opened his mouth to retort when Vano kissed him. Kal shivered, groaning as Vano ran a tongue over his lower lip, sending little tingles right up to his scalp. Vano’s large hands cupped his face, trapping him in place. The soft whine that left his throat might have made him blush if he had the capacity to think. Vano’s fingers skimmed over his cheeks, his jaw, ran across his scalp. The man made him feel like he was made of precious crystal instead of a cheap, fast fuck. 

Speaking of which…

‘Found it,’ Ben muttered as he crooked his fingers. Kal yipped, hips bucking until Ben held him still. More lube made for a slicker, wetter glide. He took his time, partly because he didn’t want to hurt Kal, but also for the sheer fun of it. There was a delightful tremble in Kal’s thighs.

‘I want to hear him purr,’ Vano said. A full body shiver wracked through Kalevi’s body. Desperate for more contact, he kissed Vano again. His dick was so hard it damn near hurt. He had indulged in a few bar-side fast fucks in the last couple of years, but nothing that even came close to this. All his cocky self-assured confidence melted like ice in the blistering sun as large hands rubbed over his muscles, pinched at erect nipples and tugged on his messy hair. Kal mewled.

They barely let him breathe. Normally, this would cause that kernel of panic to grow. He had always needed to be in control when it came to sex. Hell, he had next to no control in any other part of his damn life, so when it came to being dominated in the bedroom, that usually was a hard pass. He certainly never got attached to any of his previous fuck-buddies, needing to keep people at arm’s length. Partly to keep Eli safe but… Mainly to keep himself safe too.

Not now though. Now with Ben and Vano. 

He was vaguely aware of the sound of the lubricant squirting from the tube. Lips touched his, Ben’s this time. But if Ben was up by his head then where-

‘Fuck!’ Kal yelped. Vano’s fingers were much thicker than Ben’s. That slight sting of pain and heat raced up his spine faster than Kal could blink. Shivering, he let himself relax as those thick, greased fingers stretched him open. Kal’s own fingers worried at the fabric of the couch, claws catching as Ben rained nipping kisses over his lips and jaw.

‘Do you think he’s ready?’ Ben asked lazily. Kal nearly forgot how to breathe as three long fingers shoved him open and felt around inside.

‘Maybe…’ Vano said lazily.

‘Someone fuck me!’ Kalevi barked.

‘Language,’ they said together. Ben and Vano tugged on Kal’s limbs until he was reluctantly on all fours. His cock hung warm and heavy between his legs. His nipples were red and a little sore from all the attention as Ben continued to roll and pinch them between his fingers.

‘Go on love,’ Ben said, his eyes locked on Vano. Kalevi moaned as he felt the cold, lube-slicked head of a cock at his ass. It pressed in, then out, teasing and worrying at his hole until the head popped through. Kal hissed but didn’t try to pull away. He was starting to feel a bit like a toy, rocked in place as Vano worked more of his cock deep into Kal’s ass. Shit, the man had girth. It hurt in the most spectacular way. Clear fluid dripped from Kal’s cock. He really wished he had the coordination to reach for his aching dick, but he didn’t trust he wouldn’t go face down into the couch if he tried. Ben wasn’t helping.

The man was staring with a predatory gaze that was all puma. A low rumbling, purring growl was coming from the man’s chest. Sharp nails were slowly dragged down Kal’s chest, making his muscles jump. They would undoubtedly leave a mark. Possessive bastard. Vano’s hands felt huge as they cradled Kal’s hips before driving forward. Kal groaned happily. Each driving thrust felt like that cock could rearrange his insides. Kal hadn’t had a hard fuck like this in gods knew how long and certainly not with someone so well equipped.

His prostate received a brutal hammering. He was glad for Ben’s support. Kal might have drooled a little as he slumped against Ben. Vano was thrusting with a rhythm that showed little consideration to the ass he was currently claiming and truthfully, Kal didn’t want it any other way. The lewd wet slide, the loud slap of hips and the following jolt had Kal whimpering on each thrust. His own cock was feeling neglected. He wasn’t sure it would matter. He hadn’t had a prostate only orgasm in years, but if Vano continue to jack-hammer into it, Kal might not have a choice.

‘Feeling good?’ Ben cooed, sweeping back Kalevi’s messy hair and peppering his neck and shoulder with lingering kisses.

‘Mm,’ was about all Kal could say. Ben chuckled and pressed sharp teeth into that panting throat. Vano gave a quiet grunt, his heavy thrusts losing their consistent rhythm. The large hands gripped Kal’s hips hard enough to leave bruises. Kalevi panted, his need ratcheting higher and higher. He was so close and Vano was relentless. Vano changed his angle just a little and Kal lost it. His groan was almost a sob as the pleasure hit its peak and crashed down. It was almost fucking painful as Vano kept going as Kal’s body seized, cumming hard.

‘Good boy…’

Vano’s hips stuttered. He thrust deep and held still, body quivering as he reached his own orgasm. Kal shivered, endorphins making his brain slow and stupid. A warm fluttering sound left his throat. It was only when he saw Ben’s wide grin did he realise that he was purring. ‘Now that is a gorgeous sound,’ Ben murmured and kissed him. Kal sighed happily into the kiss, only wincing a little as Vano eased out. Fuck, he was going to be hurting tomorrow. Worth it.

Kalevi couldn’t help but let his eyes drop to Ben’s own cock, still hard and ruddy.

‘Aren’t you going to join in? I’m still game,’ Kalevi purred, any thoughts of sleep quickly leaving him. His own dick twitched with interest.

‘I don’t know… I can wait. You’re probably sore,’ Ben said slowly.

Kal snorted and lay back, showing himself off. Ben’s pupils dilated. ‘Come on,’ Kalevi said with a slight slur. ‘Don’t be a pussy.’

Ben snorted. ‘Fine, but we do this my way.’ Kal frowned as he felt Ben lay down behind him. The man wanted to cuddle? An arm took Kal’s top leg and lifted it a little. The cat shivered as he was exposed to the cool air. Then he felt the wet tip at his entrance. Oh. He’d never tried this position before.

As the hard length eased into his body, Kal thought that Ben was longer than Vano. Not as thick but definitely longer. That was probably just as well because Ben couldn’t go as fast or as deep in this position. It was an almost lazy rhythm but after the gloriously rough first round, Kal was very content to lay and let Ben have him. Vano hovered, stroking Kal’s side and belly, kissing Ben.

Kal’s second orgasm was a long languid experience, drawn out and leaving him trembling against Ben’s chest.

Vano gently wiped them down with a damp towel and offered Kal water.

‘Feel better?’ Ben purred, nuzzling Kal’s neck.

‘Hard not to after that. I don’t think my legs work.’

‘I can carry you to your bed,’ Vano said quietly.

‘Mmm,’ Kal said lazily. He reached up like a child. Vano smiled and scooped him up. The cat was half dozing by the time they had laid him out on the bed, closed the moth-eaten curtains and readied to leave. Kal caught Ben’s wrist.

‘Will either of you be there with Eli for the interview?’ Kal whispered.

‘We can be. If you want us to.’


‘Then that’s what we’ll do.’


